Mineral Resource Statement

The Mineral Resource Estimate was determined in accordance with the 2012 Edition of the “Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves”

Mineral Resource Estimate

Table 1: Woodlark Global Resource Estimate

(>0.4g/t lower cut)

g/t Au
Measured 2.25 3.00 217
Indicated 39.44 0.98 1,241
Inferred 6.49 0.98 205
Total 48.28 1.07 1,663

Resource Estimations were undertaken for the Kulumadau, Busai, Woodlark King, and Munasi, Great Northern and Wayai Creek deposits by independent consultants, Manna Hill Geoconsulting, using drilling information from several generations of exploration.

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